The governance committee met on the 29th of October, 2020 at 7pm MDT. The following members were present:

  • Steven Malins, DOM
  • Yvonne Walston, DOM
  • Robert Bibeau
  • Bernadette Lujan, DOM

The following ex-officio member was absent:

  • John Scott, DOM

Topics Discussed

  1. Report for meeting on Sept 17, 2020 approved as amended
  2. Preamble for committee charter, will be sent to committee members for review
  3. NMSAAM Listserv / Email-discussion-list
  4. Committee assignments and charters

Documents Reviewed

Code of Conduct

The committee reviewed the NMSAAM Code of Conduct. The committee approves of the code of conduct.


  1. The committee strongly recommends that the NMSAAM listserv be restricted to NMSAAM members only.
  2. The committee recommends that the board instruct all standing committees to adopt a charter. The governance committee members will assist and provide a template charter or outline for other committees to use.
  3. The committee recommends that the finance committee be separate from the governance committee; but that there will understandably be some overlap in membership of the two committees.

Respectfully sumbitted,
Steven Malins (committee chairperson)
Approved the 19th of November, 2020